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What the Army Job Recruiter Never Told You…

By Brad - Wednesday 16 Jul 8:09 am


As a rule, army job recruiters are honest, hard-working people just trying to do their jobs. But like anything else, there are exceptions to this rule. This is not to be negative, just meant to be a warning to do some research before making decisions that will so deeply affect your life.


Here’s the thing, an army job recruiter’s job performance is judged based purely on numbers. The higher the numbers of army job recruits, the better the performance review. The lower the army job recruits, the worse his performance review. Plain and simple. If he doesn’t make the minimum quota he doesn’t make ‘mission’ and may find his career at a dead-end. Because of this, some unscrupulous army job recruiters will say anything just to get recruits signed up to an army job – stretch the truth, even lie…whatever it takes.


As you can imagine, this can lead to very unhappy new army recruits. You may wonder why the army doesn’t put a stop to this. Each service has recruiting regulations which make it a crime to cheat, lie or knowingly sign up a recruit that is ineligible for enlistment. When they are caught, recruiters are punished. The problem is, it’s hard to catch a recruiter as there are usually no witnesses and it becomes a he said, she said situation.


However, in some cases the ‘lies’ told by a recruiter was a case of ‘selective hearing’. The army job recruiter may say: ‘Many of our bases now have single rooms for people’. What the recruit hears is that ‘You’ll get a single room with no room-mate.’ So, the advice here is to ‘listen’ and research what the recruiter has said before enlisting.


And remember…the army is not for everyone. A full 40% of new recruits that enlist in the army today will not complete their full term of service. Barring circumstances beyond the new recruits’ control like illness or injury, many recruits are involuntarily discharged because they just quit trying. Many say the army turned out to be completely different from what they’d expected and this is often the result of army job recruiters’ lies or the selective hearing of the new recruit.


How do you as a potential new army job recruit avoid the lies, exaggerations and half-truths of an unscrupulous recruiter?


Read. Information on the Internet will walk you safely through the whole process.


Posted in: Army Jobs