By Susan - Tuesday 7 Apr 11:00 am
Jobs in the army are not only encompassed by typical military positions, such as intelligence officers, airplane pilots and the like. There are many jobs in the army to suit business minded individuals too.
The world is made up of massive conglomerates in the corporate sector, some of which are responsible for millions of not billions in the economy. Jobs in the army also run as conventional businesses do and are equally as responsible for huge turnovers annually. There are many business job opportunities on offer in the military, in many business sectors.
Here is the Top 5 Business Jobs in the Army:
- Business Analyst: The primary duties of business analysts are to project a advance business forecasts with regards to business requirements and business projects. These jobs in the army are crucial in ensuring that all needs are met. For example, are there adequate recruits to carry out certain projects? Is the correct equipment available? What are the costs involved in carrying out these projects? This position requires a bachelor’s degree, and the ability to manage projects as well as staff members.
- Accountants and Auditors: Most corporate environments have their own in house auditors and accountants. The military shares the same system, and provides professional jobs in the army catering towards these services. A bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance is required, and senior level qualifications are preferred but not necessary.
- Director of Planning and Development: This position requires a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Jobs in the army of this nature are not plentiful and require experienced personnel that have a few years in this particular service under their belts. It entails strategic planning for business and military operations, as well as the successful planning for future projects that will assist the business in flourishing and growing through innovative ideas and inventive development.
- Purchasing and Contracting Analysts: The military is always in need of top notch equipment and the latest technology in order to perform their tasks on an expert level. Keeping ahead of the program is difficult when there are so many new technological ideas and systems to choose from. These particular jobs in the army assess exactly this and purchase only what is necessary and within budget. They need to keep an eye on progress and continually update their systems as well as those of the military, without overspending and with still being able to stay up to date.
- Management Analysts and Planners: The main goal of recruits in these jobs in the army it to efficiently manage all aspects of military business. From ensuring that there are adequate staff to carry out jobs, to making sure that there are not too many on the job causing wastage of human resources. The same can be said for equipment, capital and assets, and any other material resources. These jobs in the army are there to make sure that nothing is being wasted and everything and everyone is working to their full potential.
Posted in: Army Jobs, Job Search
By Susan - Sunday 5 Apr 9:09 am
Army civilian jobs have been in effect since the 1700’s if you can believe that! These jobs that date back a good few centuries entailed keeping track of documentation and records, following the expenditure of funds used and keeping records of equipment. Army civilian jobs are an essential extension of Army life and assist in the smooth operation of military business.
By choosing to enlist in the army through army civilian jobs, you are not only facilitating the safety and security of your country, but you are ensuring your wellbeing and success as well. Not only are there numerous excellent army civilian jobs to choose from, but they come with extensive benefits and added bonuses that are immeasurable and certainly not available through conventional means of employment.
Some of the benefits that you can enjoy by signing up for army civilian jobs are:
- First and foremost is the benefit of having such an all-embracing range of army civilian jobs to choose from. There is certainly something to match everyone’s skill department and level
- Once you have selected your army civilian job, you are entitled to full training for the position. Even if you are already well versed in the field that you are entering, there will be slight modifications to suit military regulations. Extended knowledge is never a bad thing.
- With all army civilian jobs you are entitled to an impressive pension plan, life insurance as well as health insurance. Your health insurance encompasses dental and medical, and the pension plan far rivals its conventional counterparts.
- Holiday pay is also included with all army civilian jobs. A certain number of days are stipulated, and as long as approval is granted for these allocated days, then your vacation time is paid for! Sick leave is also another benefit, and there are also an allocated amount of days for this so as not to allow people to take advantage of this perk.
- One of the most impressive benefits with regards to army civilian jobs is that your salary is extremely competitive when weighed up against that of similar jobs outside of the military. Hard work is recognized and can often result in bonuses being paid out.
- By working for the military in one of the numerous army civilian jobs on offer, you are opening yourself up to a whole new world of opportunity. In addition to this you will experience the camaraderie that goes hand in hand with the military team and will carry you through years of career involvement and enjoyment.
Army civilian jobs can provide you with the job satisfaction that everyone yearns for, whilst making you feel like you are part of a team and doing something positive for your country. Add into the equation these fantastic benefits, and you have the perfect job situation waiting to be filled.
Posted in: Army Jobs, Job Search
By Susan - Saturday 2 Aug 2:26 pm
The Department of Defense is the United States’ largest supplier of employment. There are many military contract jobs available in varying departments, from civilian positions to full service positions.
Determining which arena would suit you is the first step to consider when researching military contract jobs for your particular preference. Here is a breakdown of the diverse sectors and divisions that military contract jobs are divided into today:
- US Army
- Marine Corps
- Navy
- Air Force
- Coast Guards
Within these branches are numerous modes of employ available that can provide a competitive salary for inspiring and self-satisfying work that has many benefits. By consulting this basic guide, you can determine what military contract jobs are available and an estimation of what your possible lows and highs in terms of remuneration would be for positions across the military.
Signing up for a military contract job could earn you between $18000.00 and $21000.00 of basic pay depending on your standing. More or less is given according to your qualifications and rankings and is referred to as special pay. Special pay for military contract jobs can also be allocated to people with advanced or unique skills. Not only are military positions well compensated for, but they come equipped with extensive advantages and rewards, such as housing benefits of between $6000.00 and $17000.00, clothing allowances of between $1300.00 and $1600.00, medical insurance of $3250.00 and dental insurance of $221.00.
*These figures are based on information sourced from the resource listed below.
There is an abundance of different military contract jobs available to suit everyone’s tastes and background, although a large degree of placements are according to the need within that domain. Full training is given in all departments to ensure that positions are fulfilled to their optimal potential. This is known as Advanced Individual Training and can take place in a number of different ways, for example: in a classroom situation, by eLearning, simulation, practical learning or through distance learning. Some of the extensive avenues in which military contract jobs are offered are:
- Accounting Services
- Business Administration
- Avionics – Helicopter Pilots, Airplane Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers, Flight Engineers, Technicians
- Media – Graphic Designers, Desktop publishers, Audiovisual Specialists, Journalists
- Combat Operations
- Construction – Electricians, Plumbers, Building Specialists, Civil Engineers
- Teaching
- Social Work – Psychologists, Counsellors
- Health Care and Medical Care – Nurses, Dentists, Doctors, Opticians, Pharmacists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Dieticians
- Engineers
- Intelligence
- Information Technology
- Security and Law Enforcement Officers
- Fire Fighters
- Lawyers and legal specialists
- Chefs and Culinary Specialists
- Transportation and Logistics – Couriers, Drivers
This summary is a small indication as to the world of opportunity available within military contract jobs. With such a diverse and complete range of careers to choose from, excellent salaries, comprehensive training and added benefits and allowances, it is not difficult to understand why such a large percentage of the employment across America is commanded by military contract jobs.
Posted in: Army Jobs, Job Search
By Brad - Sunday 20 Jul 2:53 pm
The benefits of getting an army job are many. The following are a few of them:
- 1. Get An Education For Free
Not only are your education costs paid for, you get PAID full-time wages to go to school. The army also has counselors available to help you in choosing the courses that you need to qualify for your chosen profession.
- 2. Protect Hearth and Home
An army job gives you the chance to protect hearth and home like no other job does.
When comparing the income of similar civilian and army jobs, turns out that the army job pays more. The base pay is less, but once you factor in Housing, Food Allowance, Special Pay, Tax Advantages and Healthcare, the army job comes out on top.
Additionally, there are many other ways for a soldier to earn extra pay.
- 4. Extra Edge in Job Experience
At the time of enlistment, a soldier can opt to take advantage of the Partnership for Youth Success Program which will give him/her priority consideration for jobs at select companies (around 225 companies) all over the country in his post army job career. Many are Fortune 500 companies.
As a soldier, you have the option of contributing to a 401-K-type savings and investment plan which is more attractive and has more benefits than a regular civilian plan.
There’s physically fit and then there’s army strong. The army will keep you in shape.
If adventure is what you’re looking for, the army provides that in abundance.
- 8. Earn Professional Training Certificates
In your army job career you will have the opportunity to earn professional and trade certifications that will help you succeed in your civilian career.
You and your family are automatically covered by a HMO type health care plan that provides health and dental coverage at little or no cost. Group Life Insurance called Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance, is a low cost life insurance available for active duty and army reserve soldiers.
The army feels that time off for a soldier is important to his well-being and that of his family. As a soldier in an active army job you get thirty days vacation a year, weekends off and national holidays off as well. As with any job, the necessity comes up occasionally to work weekends or holidays.
Posted in: Army Jobs
By Brad - Friday 18 Jul 10:37 am
The Department of the Army was ranked one of the best places in the Federal Government to work in 2007. The rankings were judged by employee satisfaction in areas such as pay and benefits, family-friendly culture and benefits, and work/life balance.
There are many NAF or Non-Appropriated Fund army jobs in the fields of Child Development, Food and Beverage Management, Golf and Bowling, Recreation, Hotels and Billeting, Clerical and Administration, to name a few.
To search for these army jobs, go to Click ‘Search for Jobs’ and choose from some important criteria on the form to find army job vacancies. You will see that there are 50 plus fields to choose from, and different states and countries to select from. This will allow you to target your search for the many army jobs available. Be sure to fill out the ‘Applicant Eligibility’ as well.
The US army has a student program to provide work experience for anyone interested in working in the challenging field of government service prior to graduation. Whether you’re in high school, technical or vocational, college or university, or accepted to post grad studies, as long as you are a degree-seeking student, an army job can give you the experience you need in your field to be attractive to an employer.
For more information, click on ‘Student Opportunities’ from the above website.
The Intern/Fellows get paid a full-time wage while going to school or attending training. Educational costs are also paid. The Intern or Fellow is considered a full-time federal civilian employee. At the completion of training the successful Fellow may be offered a 25% of base pay bonus for signing on and the Intern is provided with a permanent placement in an army job.
The Internet has the most reliable, up to date information for army jobs available. The vacancy announcement will provide a description of the army job and salary range, whether it’s temporary or permanent, full or part-time and information on who can apply. These announcement sites are updated daily.
As an army employee, you receive a comprehensive benefit package which includes:
- Comprehensive health and life insurance.
- Generous retirement programs.
- Paid holidays, sick leave, and vacation time.
- Flexible work environment.
- Paid employment related training and education.
- Possible student loan repayment.
- Payment of licenses, certification, and academic degrees as applicable.
- Bonuses, incentives, and awards.
- Competitive salaries.
- Annual pay increases.
Posted in: Army Jobs
By Brad - Wednesday 16 Jul 8:09 am
As a rule, army job recruiters are honest, hard-working people just trying to do their jobs. But like anything else, there are exceptions to this rule. This is not to be negative, just meant to be a warning to do some research before making decisions that will so deeply affect your life.
Here’s the thing, an army job recruiter’s job performance is judged based purely on numbers. The higher the numbers of army job recruits, the better the performance review. The lower the army job recruits, the worse his performance review. Plain and simple. If he doesn’t make the minimum quota he doesn’t make ‘mission’ and may find his career at a dead-end. Because of this, some unscrupulous army job recruiters will say anything just to get recruits signed up to an army job – stretch the truth, even lie…whatever it takes.
As you can imagine, this can lead to very unhappy new army recruits. You may wonder why the army doesn’t put a stop to this. Each service has recruiting regulations which make it a crime to cheat, lie or knowingly sign up a recruit that is ineligible for enlistment. When they are caught, recruiters are punished. The problem is, it’s hard to catch a recruiter as there are usually no witnesses and it becomes a he said, she said situation.
However, in some cases the ‘lies’ told by a recruiter was a case of ‘selective hearing’. The army job recruiter may say: ‘Many of our bases now have single rooms for people’. What the recruit hears is that ‘You’ll get a single room with no room-mate.’ So, the advice here is to ‘listen’ and research what the recruiter has said before enlisting.
And remember…the army is not for everyone. A full 40% of new recruits that enlist in the army today will not complete their full term of service. Barring circumstances beyond the new recruits’ control like illness or injury, many recruits are involuntarily discharged because they just quit trying. Many say the army turned out to be completely different from what they’d expected and this is often the result of army job recruiters’ lies or the selective hearing of the new recruit.
How do you as a potential new army job recruit avoid the lies, exaggerations and half-truths of an unscrupulous recruiter?
Read. Information on the Internet will walk you safely through the whole process.
Posted in: Army Jobs
By Brad - Monday 14 Jul 11:03 am
Whether you choose to make a lifelong career in an army job or decide to explore your civilian options, the army supports your decision through programs and guidance to help you succeed.
Some of the programs available are as follows:
Transitioning From Soldier to Civilian
Every army post has an Army Career and Alumni program with counselors to help you choose a civilian career that best utilizes the skills you’ve learned in your army job, from crafting a resume to networking with potential employers.
Enlisting for Post-Army Career Success
At the time of enlistment, a soldier can opt to take advantage of the Partnership for Youth Success Program which will give him/her priority consideration for jobs at select companies all over the country in his post army job career. Many are Fortune 500 companies.
Earning Professional Training Certificates
In your army job career you will have the opportunity to earn professional and trade certifications that will help you succeed in your civilian career.
Become a Teacher After the Army
The army has a ‘Troop to Teacher’ program that will help you succeed in your quest to go into the civilian teaching profession from identifying teacher certification requirements to employment opportunities.
Retiree Benefits
Upon retiring from an army job, benefits are available to the soldier to pay for college, buy a home, life insurance, or find a job.
Retirement Savings Plan
As a soldier, you have the option of contributing to a 401-K-type savings and investment plan which is even more attractive and has more benefits than a regular civilian plan. The TSP plan (Thrift Savings Plan) enables you to contribute up to 100% of all your army job pay, including base, incentives and bonuses. The contributions are taken from your pay before taxes are withheld, an option regular savings plans do not have.
The TSP Matching Funds Incentive is an option where the first 5% of your contributions are matched by the army – dollar for dollar on the first 3% and 50 cents on the dollar for the remaining 2%. TSP contributions will be matched by the army for 5-8 years, your entire first term of enlistment.
To find out more about the Thrift Savings Plan or Retirement Savings Plan, contact a recruiter or visit the TSP website at
Posted in: Army Jobs