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What Army Jobs can I get without travelling overseas?

By Susan - Thursday 5 Mar 4:00 am

Army Jobs are readily available within almost any department or trade you can think of, and they are available all over the world. No matter what your personal skills may be, or what your preferences are, there are a range of army jobs to suit you. It may be found that the one particular job you set your sights on is not the opportunity you receive, this is more than likely due to your skills and abilities being sharper in other areas. This can also be the case if you are looking for army jobs that don’t require you travelling overseas.

Many recruits who enlist for army jobs want to maintain a relatively normal existence in or close to their home towns. They want to be able to sign up for army jobs without travelling overseas. In doing so, they are offering their service to the military without leaving their families and friends behind. There are numerous army jobs that suit this ideal, in fact a very large proportion of civilian jobs are suited to these specifications. For example:

  • Administration and Office Staff: This is an army job where employees would be required to be present on the premises of the location that you sign up for. Their duties center on successful and efficient running of the military offices and filing systems, making sure that all documentation is in order for quick and easy reference.
  • Chefs: Every base needs a series of trained kitchen staff to ensure that all prepared meals are healthy and nutritious for all recruits and on site staff. This army job would keep chefs in one place at all times.
  • Teachers: There is no more important job than that of a teacher. Developed skills are essential in any field, especially in the military, where close attention is paid to honing and developing inherent skills to assist employees in doing their jobs to the best of their ability. Teachers need to be on site for regular programmes.
  • IT Technicians and Systems Engineers: Any business runs on computers in this day and age, as does the military. Army jobs within the field of Internet Technology are vast and hugely available. With all services operating on a technological level, IT technicians and computer system’s engineers need to be close at hand to offer support and service.
  • Doctors and Nurses: Although doctors and nurses can be transferred or deployed to further reaches of the earth at any moment, there is always a need for them on site too. Every base will have a hospital and every hospital needs a well rounded, experienced and confident team of medical staff.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to army jobs that don’t require you travelling overseas. Within each field there are more specialized positions available as well as many others in different fields of employ. Staying on your home turf and being recruited for army jobs of your choice is both possible and probable.

Posted in: Army Jobs, Job Search


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